No simple and true.
A dedicated winter is just that for "winter", I use nothing but a true winter tire in winter.
My life and family depend on it.
Just remember the life you save may just be your own.
Should we ever be making such a statement such as " it's only this model or that minor issue" these are very expensive vehicles here not a used and abused 10 year old model. We need to stop giving car manufacturers reasons to be complacent, after all this is people's hard earned money.
Most won't care as long as it looks pretty and has all the latest technology. Only matters to the true off roaders that they are making these vehicles "mall crawling pavement pounders."
Oh man what a vehicle, biggest regret is never buying one before. I feel safe and not worrying about over technical computers breaking down. Less is a beautiful thing. Just received another recall for my previous Ford in the mail.
No need to fell sorry for me I just bought a perfectly great vehicle that will hold its resale value better, has proven reliability, built to last. Who cares about a few bulbs, not a priority when I am purchasing a vehicle. Just remember your 2025 will be outdated in a few years. It’s better to...
Just can’t trust the new Toyota I am seeing out there with constant issues in the new Tundra… Tacoma…. Etc
Staying with the tried and true…..till Toyota rights that ship.
Don’t want to spend my free time at dealerships with recalls and uncertainty.
Good luck with your choice.
It is not about agreeing or disagreeing, personally it is your dime, spend it as you see fit. Just trying to put out there that Toyota is not necessarily the be all end all. Again don’t you think that quality should not have a preference where it is created? Toyota should want a quality reliable...
Again, irrelevant where Toyota chooses to have their product manufactured. They have their name on the vehicle, and have to be accountable to the consumers. Do you really think the average person gives a rats about where it was put together? They see the name and believe it should be reliable...
It may abound in Japan, but again it is not infallible if the new way is not the right way. As I stated earlier, the Prius has had a stop sale order put out, and this vehicle has the Japan stamp on its VIN.
Not sure about this obsession about vehicles being made in Japan. The Prius is manufactured in Japan and it has been on a recent recall. Actually it was a stop sale order. So it is a company thing not just blaming workers.
As well, when all is said done, it is still Toyota’s name on vehicles...
We are the ones that Toyota will listen to when we don’t rush out and buy their products .
There has to be a good reason why the 4Runner MY25 is being pushed back for months on its initial release. There are known issues.
Toyota has some serious issues on its new /updated designs. We need to take this seriously and not keep making excuses or saying this plant vs that plant. It starts at the top and it would serve us all well to make sure we are getting great value for our hard earned money.
The part I find...
Toyota is in a bad way at the moment with the issues with Tundra snd Tacoma sure their fingers are crossed Landcruiser doesn’t join that list. They are probably going to slow down with the 4 Runner release , don’t want bad press with their golden child.
It is your dime, I will option to read the owners manual and do the minimum at the very least, that they require for maintenance and fluids.
I have no faith in any manufacturer, not giving them the edge in a warranty claim.
Peace ✌️
Could you show me were it states in the LC manual that premium fuel is only a suggestion and not required? I could not find it but then what do I know. And it says that the warranty won’t be jeopardized if you choose to use anything but the minimum 91 octane it states?
Your attention to this...